Tips on How Home Staging Can Help Your Buyer to Make a Purchasing Decision

Joshua Furr
2 min readOct 13, 2022

To increase buyers’ likelihood of purchasing decisions home staging is a great way. A well-staged home will make a potential buyer see the home in a new light and visualize themselves living in it. Moreover, prospective buyers spend 40% more time walking through a staged home than a not staged one.

Home staging can take weeks to complete, so planning is essential. First, decide on your budget, time, and priority, and then purchase the materials and accessories needed to complete the project. A well-staged home can boost offers and shorten the time the property spends on the market.

Home staging involves making the space look spacious. Proper lighting and color choices will make rooms appear open and inviting. You can also use mirrors to create the illusion of space in small spaces. Another way to enhance the appearance of a house is by using small accents and flowers. For example, flowers in the bathroom can make the room feel inviting and welcoming. Finally, a professional cleaner can give your house the freshness it needs.

Besides improving curb appeal, home staging technique can also help you get top dollar for your home. It can highlight your home’s best features, leading to increased offers. Moreover, home staging is an excellent way to make your home more appealing to buyers and sell it faster.

Home staging should also include the front entrance. While it may seem trivial, adding potted plants and porch furniture can make your home more welcoming to potential buyers. Lighting the front entrance with sconces can add to the home’s appeal. In addition to staging the home, knowing where to find the right decor and furniture can help you save money while maximizing the home’s overall appeal.

Staging a home should include neutral colors and neutral décor. The main objective is to help buyers envision living in the space. They should be able to visualize themselves living in the space, which makes it more likely to be sold. Once buyers visualize themselves in the space, they will likely make an offer.

You can save a lot of money if you stage the essential rooms in your home. Home staging costs depend on the number of rooms in the house and the size of the furniture that needs to be placed in them. For example, staging a tiny home may be enough for the living room, while staging a larger one will require more furniture. It can also require more time, as you’ll have to move the furniture.

The first step in staging your home is removing any unwanted items. A cluttered home does not look inviting and is not likely to get a buyer’s attention. You can use inexpensive items to stage your home and make it look inviting. If you need to buy furniture, borrow it from someone with the same taste.

